什么是SHUNO? | What is SHUNO?

“SHONU” 就是日文里的收纳。指将物品有序地整理、安排、存放,以便更方便地找到和使用它们。

The word “SHONU” means decluttering and organizing in Japanese. It refers to the systematic arrangement and storage of items to facilitate easy retrieval and use.

关于我们 | About Us

Always being passionate about making my life organized and comfortable, I am the first certified professional organizer by Japan Shuno Licensing Association in Singapore. I’d like to share my knowledge to make more people’s life more organized and happier.


业务范畴 | Our Services

知识 Knowledge

日本收检认证课程 Certification Class

收纳讲座 Organizing Talks

服务 Services

上门收纳 Onsite Services

收纳咨询 Consultation